Christian Bale Goes Ballistic on Cinematographer
Holy F***! has posted an article with audio of Christian Bale and his utterly explosive verbal attack on Shane Hurlbut, cinematographer of ‘Terminator: Salvation’. Â The one-sided argument is apparently triggered when Hurlbut unintentionally ruins a scene of Bale’s by walking by in the background to check some lights. Bale is distracted and flips out on Hurlbut about how he’s unprofessional and just doesn’t “get it” about working with actors.
On this note, I understand his concern, but his reaction I’d say is a bit extreme. Then again, an actor such as Bale is known for fully immersing themselves into their character (i.e. – ‘American Psycho’, ‘The Machinist’) so I’d be the last one to get in his way while he’s in character.
One part classically stereotypical of life working in Hollywood, one part devastatingly revealing about Bale’s personality and temper, this audio is not only shocking but also makes one wonder about the truth behind his denial regarding the “alleged” charges his mother filed against him last year. The audio is filled with the F*** word and is certainly NSFW.
Check out the audio clip here.