
Bullock’s ‘Steve’ Gets Pushed to the Fall – We Are Movie Geeks

Chick Flicks

Bullock’s ‘Steve’ Gets Pushed to the Fall

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What comes out March 6th?   Quick!   Don’t think about it, just answer!   If you said ‘Watchmen’, give yourself a pat on the back.   However, that wasn’t the only film to come out on that day.   Up until today, that is.

‘All About Steve’, the new rom-com starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper, was all set to come out on March 6th.   However, 20th Century Fox decided ‘Watchmen’ wasn’t something to contend with regardless of how counter-programmable your film is.   ‘All About Steve’ has been pushed back from it’s March 6th spot all the way to a “to be announced” date in the Fall.

Fox also cites the over-saturation of female-driven films coming out around this time as their reasoning behind the move.

Source: Variety