
Are You Serious?! ‘Thor’ will release July 16th 2010… Right! – We Are Movie Geeks

Are You Serious?!

Are You Serious?! ‘Thor’ will release July 16th 2010… Right!

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Welcome to my new “rant” column, where I will be talking about random shit that mostly involves things in movies that I am dumbfounded about, or that just really pisses me off.

The first column of “Are You Serious?!” is not JUST about ‘Thor’ but mainly about announcing release dates of movies that A) havent begun shooting yet, B) havent been cast yet, and C) will have to be rushed in order to meet a crazy early date.

As it sits right now ‘Thor’ is set to release on July 16th 2010, which is 17 months. They havent even found ‘Thor’ yet! Right now the movie has a director in Kenneth Branagh who recently announced what exactly they were wanting for the blond haired god(Dolph Lundgren?)


Physically powerful, very handsome, occasionally egotistical, petulant, and wild. A natural warrior with a quick charming wit who must be genuinely and severely humbled before becoming the compassionate, mature her of our film.

So as it sits right now we have no idea who is going to play ‘Thor’, who the villain is going to be, no supporting cast, and this film is set to release in 17 months.

Its not just ‘Thor’ though, they are doing the same thing with ‘Green Lantern’ and ‘Jonah Hex’. Both of these movies have 2010 release dates and neither of them have cast their leading character.

I know that most of this doing is to hype up the fanboys, but when you will inevitably have to push a release date because you announced it and didnt immediately start taking action you will, in the end, just piss off the same fanboys you were trying to please earlier. This doesnt just go for superhero movies either, the tween vampire series ‘Twlight’ just released this passed fall and has already given the second and third movies in the series release dates not that anyone cares about these movies.

So in closing, let this be a warning to all studios, STOP giving us fanboys hope that we will be seeing a movie on a certain date when very few details have been “hammered” out! Who knows, in a few years the crazy ones will start camping out 6 months early, just for the movie to get pushed! Gives these kids some hope!

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.