
Sundance Review: ‘Mystery Team’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Sundance Review: ‘Mystery Team’

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The Mystery Team is breaking on the scene from the Derrick comedy group, and let me be the first to say that it is very welcome. We hit an almost midnight screening with the cast and crew last night and I was absolutely blown away at what they have accomplished in this comedy. They are taking things to a whole
new level, of which no one else is achieving right now.

The story follows 3 guys who are seniors in high school, and since they were kids they have been solving small, petty “mysteries” in their neighborhood. They are tasked to solve a double murder by a small girl who both parents were recently murdered. Although being the laughing stock of the neighborhood they stake out on a mission to solve these murders.

The characters are purposely childish/naive sort of along the lines of your ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ and it is pulled over marvelously. There wasn’t a moment in the movie I don’t remember laughing to the point of crying. This is definitely going to be THE breakout movie of Sundance, and if they market it correctly everyone will be raving about it for years to come.

The Derrick Comedy group has been around for a few years and have made a big impact with their videos on the Internet(s) and it was very apparent by so many fans in the audience. If and when this gets a wide release, make a point to go out and see it… just don’t take your kids!

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

Check out the trailer for ‘Mystery Team’:

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.