
Review: ‘The Reader’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: ‘The Reader’

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‘The Reader’ is a film that’s going to have two camps of viewers… those who love Kate Winslet’s performance fascinating and Oscar-worthy and those who find the film’s story in some way appalling. I’ve already heard several opinions on both sides and must say that, while I am in the camp of Winslet-lovers, I do somewhat understand those who feel the story unfairly utilizes the holocaust as a plot crutch.

Oh, don’t worry. I’m not going to tell you how the holocaust plays into the film, but I do find it’s necessary for me to give fair warning. Personally, I found the story of ‘The Reader’ to be perfectly fine, not perfect, but perfectly acceptable. The film, directed by Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours), begins with a teenage boy named Michael who is of a privileged family. Michael is on his way home from school one day when he suddenly finds himself stricken with sickness. He is helped home by a mysterious woman and spends the next three months on bed rest.

Once recovered, Michael is determined to locate the unknown woman who helped him. When Michael finds her he finds himself uncontrollably allured to her simple and mature beauty. The woman’s name is Hanna (Kate Winslet) and the two begin to carry on a peculiar but romantic affair whereas they offer one another pleasure beyond that of a sexual nature. The two compliment each other despite their social and economic differences, but the plot takes on weight when when begin to realize that Hanna is hiding something. Her secret becomes the ultimate factor is whether or not she will continue the life she knows and when Michael finds out, he must decide whether to honor Hanna by keeping her secret or save her by revealing it.

‘The Reader’ begins as a touching story and slowly morphs into a story of regret and redemption. The acting is fine but Winslet is stellar. While the idea is not entirely original, the film does have some fresh elements to it and it’s easy to get caught up in the first half as we watch these two unlikely characters form a bond so strong it will last their entire lives. The second half of the film becomes increasingly sad, but the ending is bittersweet in a way that leaves the audience feeling that wonderful combination of sadness and satisfaction. There is a point in which the story becomes a bit predictable, but try and look past that and enjoy the heart of it and especially enjoy Kate’s performance.

[Overall: 4.25 stars out of 5]

Ram Man:

Kate Winslett has been one of my favorite actresses ever since she mounted the railing on the Titanic and yelled “I’m the King of the World!”. She is staring in  the new film “The Reader”  by English director Stephen Daldry (The Hours). The story is about a boy who is befriended by a street car  ticket agent and soon finds out  she has a secret past.

‘The Reader’ begins with a young Michael Berg (David Kross) on his way home from school collapsing in a doorway from an illness. He is assist and taken home by a woman living in the building Hanna Schmitz (Winslett). We later learn that Berg had contracted scarlett fever, but soon made a full recovery. Once on his feet Michael went back to thank Hanna for her kindness, only to get a revealing look at Hanna changing her clothes. This began Michael Berg’s  infatuation with  Hanna and what began as friendship between the two   turned into a steamy sexual affair.

During  the after school  encounters, Michael would read one of the stories he was studing at school to Hanna, and in exchange Hanna would have sex with the boy. Winsett still looking very good  at her age.  Michael read parts of “The Odyssey by Homer” and “Mark Twain’s Huck Finn”. Hanna’s favorite seemed to be “The Lady with the Little Dog”. We then know that Hanna had lived her life without knowing how to read. This lasted the entire summer until one afternoon, Michael showed up to Hanna’s apartment to find it empty. Hanna Schmitz had moved out and not even left Michael a note.

8 years  go by, Michael Berg now attending law school, while on a trip with his class a face from his  past  comes front and center when he see his former lover, Hanna Schmitz on trial for her life. Michael learns why Hanna left him and the dark secret she had been hiding for so many years. This secret (I’m not telling what it is)  shocks Michael,  destroys Hanna and tests the strength of  the bond they formed years earlier. The repercussions  of Hanna’s past and her trial  follow Berg into his adult life. (Played by Ralph Fiennes)

The Reader is an intriguing story of sex and deception, with moments of remorse and devotion told through  a fabulous performance by Kate Winslett and  newcomer David Kross. I was infatuated with this film and list it as one of my favorites of the year (2008). Winslett who is amazing in each film she does, but in ‘The Reader’ she shines as bright as the statue she’ll bring home Oscar night in February.

[Overall: 4.5 stars out of 5]