
‘Repo!’ Rocks St. Louis – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Repo!’ Rocks St. Louis

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I’m just gonna throw this out there. Â  Unless you were at the Tivoli Theater in St. Louis last night, you don’t know what fun is! Â  Mr. Darren Lynn Bousman, Terrance Zdunich, and Bill Moseley brought ‘Repo! The Genetic Opera’ road tour to the STL.

Hundreds upon hundreds stood in line to partake in the festivities. Â  Some came dressed as their favorite ‘Repo!’ characters. Â  Many of these people hadn’t even seen the film yet. Â  Others sang their favorite songs from the rock opera. Â  Some of them, as well, had not even seen the film yet. Â  They just knew the songs from listening to the soundtrack and building up their anticipation to actually see the film.

The experience was amazing even before the ropes were let down to allow us into the theater. Â  The adrenaline could be felt in the air, and it was as intoxicating as… well, Zydrate.

Spooky Dan from Bloody intro’ed a short film he made, basically a scene form ‘Repo!’ that he “re-imagined” with puppets.

Check it out right here:

Then the main attraction kicked in. Â  Bousman, Moseley, and Zdunich did a short intro before the film began. Bousman did a quick little tease of something to stick around for after the film was over. Â  After that little tickle of the ass with a feather, we were off!

I’m not going to do a full review. Â  You can check out Travis’ thoughts on the film right here! Â  I will say, however, that ‘Repo! The Genetic Opera’ is an amazing film filled with amazing music. Â  I’m sure the experience of seeing it on the big screen with a thousand of my closest, and most psychotic, friends didn’t hurt my liking of the film, but I could garner enough from the film to know that I would have loved it regardless. Â  Not only does it have a kickass soundtrack, awesome performances, and an incredible visual style by Bousman, the story is very deep when you recollect on it. Â  It is very Shakespearean and calls back to the darker days of some of Shakespeare’s more jolting tragedies like Titus Andronicus.

After the film, the three Genetic kings retook the stage for a Q&A. Â  Subjects such as the costumes from the film, the pre-recording of the music, and other musicians Zdunich would like to work with were broached.

Bousman also said that, to really help he and the filmmakers behind ‘Repo!’, you could purchase the DVD or Blu-ray, the soundtrack or the MP3 downloads. Â  You can also check out the official site and join the Repo! army. Â  There is also a countless number of merch you can check out for the film.

Bousman also explained that there are 12 total prints of the film in existence. Â  Six of these are just sitting in a warehouse in LA. Â  If we want ‘Repo!’ to come back to STL, or wherever you may reside, you should get on your local theaters to get these prints out of storage and into the movie theaters. Â  If even half the people that were in attendance last night see the film on a regular basis, ‘Repo! The Genetic Opera’ could easily become the new ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’.

The experience was something not to be missed, but, I’m sure, some of you did. Â  For just a little more taste of the night, here are the pictures myself and the lovely AlliKat took.


Order your very own scalpel necklace at RockLove Jewelry.

Enough cannot be said about how cool this evening was. Â  Check out ‘Repo! The Genetic Opera’. Â  Buy it. Â  Order it. Â  Download the MP3s. Â  Let’s get this film back into theaters where it belongs.