
Lussier and Farmer Already Planning ‘My Bloody Valentine 2’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Lussier and Farmer Already Planning ‘My Bloody Valentine 2’

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Patrick Lussier, the director behind ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’, sat down with last week in promotion for the film. Â  In the interview, he commented on what could be planned for a potential sequel.

Here’s a segment from that interview:

One of the other things I like about this film is that – without spoiling it – you leave a legitimate sequel opening at the end. You don’t end it in a way that you’ll have to figure out a trick or a cheat to have a Part 2. Are you going to be coming back for the sequel?

If the movie takes off, Todd (Farmer) and I have mapped out a whole continuing adventures.

One of the things you mentioned about the film is the mystery, and by the end of the movie the mystery is solved, so –

Oh no, we have figured out a way of injecting several twists and turns in the continuing adventure. Even though the mystery is solved there are still things to learn and things to know and things that are unexpected and reversals of fortune that happens to those who survive. We had great fun doing it because if you’re going to do it, you don’t want to retread what you’ve just done – you want to take it in a new direction. But at the same time, you want to do all those things people have fun with. And the mystery is one of those things and, you’re right – how do you have a mystery when you already know the answer? Well, we’ve figured out a way.

Sounds promising. Â  With a 4-day total of $24.2 million, it looks like the potential of a sequel is definitely getting better.

What do you think? Â  Did you see ‘My Bloody Valentine 3D’ yet? Â  What are your thoughts on a sequel if you did? Â  Remember, try to keep it spoiler-free in the comments, folk, but, by all means, let us know what you think by commenting below!

Source: CHUD