
Four Retro Character Posters for ‘Monsters Vs. Aliens’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Four Retro Character Posters for ‘Monsters Vs. Aliens’

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Alex and the crew over at First Showing got their hands on these nifty looking retro posters featuring four of the characters from ‘Monsters vs. Aliens. Â  Personally, I think this looks much better than ‘Up’. Â  At the end of the year, PIXAR always seem to be the golden boys of animation, but I think DreamWorks may actually give them a decent run for their money this year.

‘Monsters vs. Aliens’ comes out in IMAX 3D and regular theaters on March 27th. Â  Also, don’t forget to get your 3D glasses for the special ‘Monsters vs. Aliens’ commercial that will be run this Sunday during the Super Bowl.

Source: First Showing