WAMG Christmas Giveaway…
Because we absolutely LOVE all of our readers, we are giving all of you the chance to walk away with some fresh new DVDs for Christmas, and some other great swag. “What will I get if I win?” Well, that is a great question! Here is what you will receive:
Burn After Reading on DVD
Mamma Mia! on DVD
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor on DVD
Death Race on DVD
We Are Movie Geeks T-Shirt in a L or XL
Watchmen full size 27×40 Poster
The Spirit ROE Passes in St. Louis
So, what do you have to do to get all that sweet swag?! Well, we want all of our readers to send us a Christmas Themed fan sign! What do you mean by Christmas Themed? Well draw a Christmas Tree on your sign, wear a Santa hat, take the picture in front of your Christmas Tree… something related to Christmas!
Here is an example of a fan sign:
So what are you waiting for? Send your fan signs to scott(a)!