
Travis and I are making a documentary… – We Are Movie Geeks


Travis and I are making a documentary…

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Travis and I are very excited to be bringing you this news, but keep in mind everything is in its VERY early stages of Pre-Production.

We have decided that we no longer want to sit back and watch everyone else make movies and are throwing our hats in the ring. Our first challenge was to figure out what we wanted to make a movie about. I came up with the idea of doing a documentary about one of the most amazing bands to ever pick up instruments and play live. That band of course is ‘Bishop Montgomery Football’, and for most of you this band means nothing as you have probably never heard of them. This band deserves to be recognized worldwide and that is what we have set out to do. If you want to get more info on whats going on, we will have a production blog, teaser trailer, teaser poster and all kinds of other goodness up at

If you have myspace, come be our friends on and go befriend the band on their myspace

We will keep you all up to date..

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.