
‘The Dark Knight’ Gets It’s Re-Release and Oscar Campaign – We Are Movie Geeks

Academy Awards

‘The Dark Knight’ Gets It’s Re-Release and Oscar Campaign

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Warner Bros. has announced that they are officially re-releasing ‘The Dark Knight’ in theaters and IMAX on January 23rd, 2009. Â  We reported a few months back that this was happening, but an official date wasn’t set.

Says Dan Fellman, Warner Bros. Pictures President of Domestic Distribution: “‘The Dark Knight’ is a crowning achievement in every sense of the word. We wanted to provide one more opportunity for moviegoers to experience it on the big screen as it was meant to be seen.”

The film has already broken so many box office records, and it sits at the #2 spot on the alltime domestic box office chart. Â  It’s still about $70 million behind ‘Titanic’. Â  With this re-release, it could, potentially, break that record, too, and it will undoubtedly top $1 billion worldwide.

Also, over at Dark Campaign, a grassroots effort to get ‘The Dark Knight’ a Best Picture nomination at the Academy Awards. Â  They’ve put together a little video that you can check out here:

What do you think? Â  Does ‘The Dark Knight’ have a shot in hell of toppling ‘Titanic’ or getting a Best Picture nomination? Â  If you had to pick between those two, which would you rather see? Â  Let us know by commenting below!

Sources: Variety, Dark Campaign