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Raising a Movie Geek…
Since I am now a father of 2 I figured it was important to bring them both up and expose them to movies as much as possible. Doing so has brought a lot of questions up in the form of which movies to expose them to, which order do I show them in, and how early is too early?
Let me first say that my mom pulled no punches when I was a kid, I saw absolutely every movie imaginable. I was watching Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and other horror movies from the 80’s when I was 4. My favorite movie obviously was ‘Masters of the Universe’ with Dolph Lundgren, and favorite TV show’s were ‘Incredible Hulk’ and ‘CHiPS’. I seem to have turned out fine, but that could be questionable.
So here are some questions I have to ask myself. Since I named my son Quentin, what age is too early to show him Tarantino films? What order do I show them ‘Star Wars’ in? Are horror movies off limits till they are teenagers?
My daughter is already really into fantasy movies like ‘Wizard of Oz’, ‘Willy Wonka’, ‘Bridge to Terabithia’ and others like that. However ‘Edward Scissorhands’ really freaks her out, even though she loves the movie.
So here is my questions to all of you dad’s that are raising little movie geeks…