
‘My Bloody Valentine’ Not 3D On All Screens – We Are Movie Geeks


‘My Bloody Valentine’ Not 3D On All Screens

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We know that the perfect date movie this coming January is gonna be to take your girl, go to the theater, buy some hot popcorn, put on a pair of 3D glasses, and watch a pickaxe wielding miner take out some annoying teenagers. Â  Well, there’s one step in that equation that you may wanna check up on before running out to your local theater.

‘My Bloody Valentine’ will not be running in 3D on all screens. Â  I know that this is kind of a no-brainer, but we here at We Are Movie Geeks feel we should warn you beforehand. Â  A recent article ran in the New York Times about the verging element of seeing your favorite horror films in 3D. Â  In the article, they mention ‘My Bloody Valentine’, but they also mention the film will only be showing in 3D on about 900. Â  The lack of theaters equipped to project the film in 3D will leave another 1600 screens that will show the film in 2D.

If you want a 3D Jensen Ackles, just be sure to check with your theater before running out and buying your ticket.

Source: NY Times