Merry Christmas From Stuck Like Chuck!
The holiday season is upon us and that of course means time for Christmas movies and tv specials. We just posted a list of some of our favorites that you can check out here. To help promote Stuck Like Chuck, this month’s video is our very own Christmas special. It is made from a scene cut from the film, as well as some additional footage. In the video, Charlie and Juliet encounter a VERY jolly toy santa and discuss the existence of ghosts, God and the stupidity behind Christmas movies. Enjoy!
And as an extra special treat, I have another video for all of you. Recently, Moviefone, Youtube and Sundance held a contest where people had to make a short film about anything, as long as they incorporated a red telephone and 2 out of 25 indie movie related props. I obviously entered, and unfortunately did not get in the top 10, which will be announced on Saturday. If I had more time and a bigger budget (and some actors instead of some friends) I think the video would have been much better but I am still happy with it. The film is a dark comedy about a guy who decides to right the wrong when a psychic tells him he has less than 24 hours to live. Keep an eye out for a very special movie geeks reference in it. Enjoy!
Let me know what you think of the videos. Everyone have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Jerry Cavallaro –