
Baz Luhrman looks to ‘Great Gatsby’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Baz Luhrman looks to ‘Great Gatsby’

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Well, director of the movie ‘Australia’, Baz Luhrman is on the prowl to break away from the movie biz in the idea of making a trip to the movies an escape. With that, he  has his eye on making a more modern version of the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald book ‘The Great Gatsby’. Now, for you who have never read this book, it is not a happy go lucky movie with happy characters. This book deals with a lot of serious elements that may be too much for the typical movie goer. I can’t say I’m too surprised that Baz is looking to do something with this film because, let’s face it, ‘Australia’ was the longest movie to man and this book is no picnic either. However, that’s just my personal take on the movie. Getting back to the point, if this comes out it will be interesting to see who gets cast because they can’t get Robert Redford to play Gatsby again even though that would be awesome.

Source: Hollywood Reporter