
Frank Miller looks to the future with ‘Buck Rogers’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Frank Miller looks to the future with ‘Buck Rogers’

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There’s buzz working it’s way around the block is that Frank Miller and Odd Lot Entertainment are reportedly in negotiations to option rights to the classic sci-fi comic book storyline. While it’s not been officially confirmed, the rumor is that Miller will write and direct this “darker” version of the futuristic adventure with more of Miller’s visual and thematic styles integrated into the original appeal.

One of the first pop-culture vehicles to tackle the issue of space exploration, the story of Buck Rogers began life as a comic serial in the late 1920’s and early ’30’s and has seen numerous film and television versions over the years.

[source: Hollywood Reporter]

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end