
Character Cage Match: Harvey Dent vs. Anton Chigurh – We Are Movie Geeks

Cage Match

Character Cage Match: Harvey Dent vs. Anton Chigurh

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Welcome, y’all, to my first installment in the Character Cage Match series, where I pit two characters from different movie genres, with similar qualities, in a head to head showdown and where YOU decide the victor.

This week’s match-up…

Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) vs. Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem)

Both are:

  • carry a gun of some sorts as preferred weapon of choice.
  • have morbid and somber outlooks on life.
  • leave their decisions to chance.
  • decide the fate of their victims at the expense of a coin toss

Who would win in a head to head showdown?

Make your choice known by leaving comments below. If you think the characters are evenly matched, then label your response DRAW. If you’d like to add other similarities that I may have missed, feel free to list them as well.