
What is that movie? ‘Right at Your Door’ – We Are Movie Geeks

What is that movie?

What is that movie? ‘Right at Your Door’

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We frequently get readers emailing us about movies they can’t remember or figure out the names of, so we figured… What better way to show them we are reading than to do a feature about the questions?

Last night, I got an email from a reader named Jeremy and he asked us this:

I’m desperate to find a movie that came out less than two years ago. It came and went quickly and now I cannot find it anywhere! The plot (according to the trailer I saw) was this: Lady leaves for work in the city, LA I believe. Husband wakes up and discovers that a bomb has gone off in the city and he cannot get to his wife’s work as he is turned around by the police. He goes back home and tapes plastic around his windows. That’s all I remember from the trailer… no names or actors or title. Can you help me out?

Of course we can Jeremy! I polled our staff of movie geeks and the unanimous response was a movie from 2006 titled ‘Right at Your Door’, which we actually have a review of up already. Here is the “official” synopsis for you Jeremy:

After multiple dirty bombs are detonated, spreading deadly toxic ash across Los Angeles, Brad (Rory Cochrane) inadvertently quarantines his wife, Lexi (Mary McCormack) outside their new home by safely sealing himself inside. With the city under siege and Martial Law in affect, Brad and Lexi struggle to survive with little supply, limited time and no information—all the while separated by thin doors and thinner sheets of plastic. When “help† finally does arrive, it appears to be anything but.

If you have questions about a certain movie, or just need to find the name of something you watched when you were a kid, then don’t hesitate sending it to us! You can reach us at tips(@)