
‘The Wolfman’ Gets His Very Own Action Figure! – We Are Movie Geeks


‘The Wolfman’ Gets His Very Own Action Figure!

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So, Lucas Arts and Mezco Toyz have come up with an amazing idea.   They are going to take all of the main characters from the beloved ‘Star Wars’ universe and make them up to be classic, Universal monsters.   Above, you see Han Solo as the Wolfman.   Coming soon are Mon Mothma as Bride of Frankenstein and Porkins as The Blob.

You gotta love Porkins!

But, seriously, Mezco Toyz has designed the action figure for ‘The Wolfman’, the updated, horror movie from Joe Johnston and starring Benicio del Toro.   You can purchase the figure from their website, but this also gives us the first, full look on what the monster will look like when it is fully transformed.

If you can get past the whole Han Solo vibe, it’s pretty damn cool.   I love the classic approach they are going with.

Let us know what you think below!   Have any other great, ‘Star War’/Universal monster movie crossovers?