
‘The Expendables’ packs a 1-2-3 Punch! – We Are Movie Geeks


‘The Expendables’ packs a 1-2-3 Punch!

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One thing is for sure… Sly Stallone is a fascinating character to follow. Continuing his work behind the camera, Stallone has a two-picture deal with Nu Image/Millennium Films, the second of which is expected to be the “next” installment to Stallone’s ‘Rambo’ franchise.

But first, Stallone will direct ‘The Expendables’ from his own original screenplay. Sly will also co-star along side Jason Statham and Jet Li as a team of three mercenaries who are sent into a South American country to overthrow the dictator. Filming is expected to begin in February.

UPDATE:  Sylvester Stallone  informally announced recently that he is seeking Oscar-winning actor Forrest Whitaker to play a CIA agent involved in the South American operation. In addition, Stallone said he is shooting for a PG-13 rating for ‘Expendable’ saying “it won’t be a blood fest.” [11/08/08]


Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end