
Review: ‘Role Models’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: ‘Role Models’

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Ram Man:

If I was a young boy looking for a big brother to mold me and steer me down the path to adulthood, there is only one person I can think of for the Job… Stifler! That is the exact concept for the new comedy from Universal and David Wain (Reno 911) ‘Role Models’ With a cast featuring Paul Rudd, Sean William Scott, Elizabeth Banks and McLovin himself Christopher Mintz -Plasse, you would expect to see Apatow or Rogen attached to this, but that isn’t the case. Instead we have an A-list cast performing in a great comedy written by Rudd himself.

Role Models is a buddy comedy about two guys Danny (Rudd) and Wheeler (Scott), stuck in a dead end job peddling Minotaur Energy Drinks to school kids. They’re message stay off drugs and drink Minotaur “unleash the beast”. Danny, after 10 years in the business, needs to shake things up and asks his girlfriend Beth to marry him. Unfortunately Beth is tired of Danny’s sad sack approach to life and can’t live with it or him anymore and breaks up with him after he proposes. After guzzling a few cans of his product with some Vodka Danny has a meltdown that includes driving the Minotaur truck into a statue at the school. Even with a laundry list of felonies against them ,Beth is able to keep the guys out of jail and arranges for Danny and Wheeler to do 150 hours of community service at Sturdy Wings, a big brother type program. Danny prefers jail to the though of hanging with a kid for a month.

Danny and Wheeler report for duty and meet the over ambitious ex coke-head administrator Gayle Sweeney (Jane Lynch) who claims to take no crap from anyone but talks in circles and makes little sense (a side affect from eating cocaine for lunch and dinner over the years). She give the guys the two most impossible cases, Augie (Plasse) and Ronnie (Bobb’e J Thompson). Augie and older kid who doesn’t fit in at school, home or anywhere else. He lives to be a knight in a Medieval times type game with other losers played in the local park. Complete with cape and PVC sword Augie is a piece of work. Danny again asks if it’s too late to just go to jail. Wheeler, on the other hand is the “Big” to the next Omen or problem child Ronnie. No other adult has lasted more than a day with Ronnie, but they weren’t Wheeler. Ronnie is abusive and talks like he just watched a Scarface marathon, but he and Wheeler have one thing in common…they both are obsessed with women’s breasts. Wheeler and Ronnie during a camping trip have a yoda-skywalker type training class on how to spot the boobs without getting caught. Wheeler also inducted Ronnie into the KISS army. He explained to a ten year old how four Jewish guys painted their faces and sang about sex made billions of dollars the last 30 years. Ronnie’s response “I’m down with that!”

After Danny meets Augie’s parents and discovers that the kid lives in middle earth because his mom and step dad are shit-heads, he begins to bond with Augie and even joins the Zanthian Army to thwart the king. Remember Danny is an idiot. He not only roughs up the king but gets Augie throw out of the only world he is comfortable in. After numerous outings with Augie and Ronnie, that would border on child abuse, Danny and Wheeler are staring at jail time again after flunking out of sturdy wings.

Role Models is a very funny film, but not for the kids. It is jammed with enough bad language from little Ronnie to make a sailor blush. There is also drinking and some nudity. The film is worth the time just for the performance of Bobb’e J Thompson as Ronnie, who had me rolling as the most incorrigible child you will ever meet. After 90 minutes, it may have you rethinking the though of community service the next time your in trouble!



David Wain’s latest is a vast improvement from the hit or miss The Ten, but also doesn’t come close to the awesome amazingness of Wet Hot American Summer; though remains a solid comedy entry in its own right.

Danny (Paul Rudd) and Wheeler (Seann William Scott) are co-workers who go around everyday giving presentations to students about staying off drugs, and to drink their Minotaur energy drink instead. Danny is down and out in his life, becoming a miserable dick to the world around him, while Wheeler spends his time chasing tale and enjoying every minute he works in the minotaur costume he dawns. Well one day Danny loses it as his life falls apart, and upon an impending towing of the Minotaur Mobile, his actions to halt it get himself and Wheeler a 150 hours of community service in 30 days to be served at the Sturdy Wings big brother program. The two are assigned their little’s from the head of Sturdy Wings, Gayle Sweeny (Jane Lynch) who herself has a sketchy past, Danny is paired up with Augie a live action role playing super nerd, and Wheeler with Ronnie a foul mouthed 10 year old black kid that has never had a Big last longer then a day with him. The four get off to a sticky start, but slowly bond over time as they learn a lot about each other and themselves.

The plot for Role Models follows the token comedy formula, and seems blatantly unoriginal especially coming from the mind of David Wain, but the movie is very funny though. Anchored by the always great Paul Rudd, the movie remains consistently funny throughout and outside a couple of hit or miss gags throughout the picture, i.e. a Ronnie’s foul mouth, the film stays funny and rouses to a great third act. And the film really stands out in the end when it really tries to be different, which also happens to be a major theme of the movie, it just sucks thinking how fun and exciting this film could have been if it had been as original throughout.

Paul Rudd is great in this film and has great line after line throughout the picture. He also does a great job at selling us on the ‘I’m sick of my life’ side of Danny while also keeping him likable and never insufferable to watch. Seann William Scott’s Wheeler is also pretty funny through out, though a couple jokes do fall flat from time to time, but he makes up for it with some of the best laughs in the film to counteract that. Christopher Mintz-Plasse is great at nailing the mega geek without being a stereotype and also showing a lot of heart in pride in who he is; and it is nice to see him not just recycle McLovin. Bobb’e J. Thompson’s parents must be pretty open to let their son come out and say some of the stuff he says her, and act like a little monster for the camera. But Bobb’e does a great job at nailing the anger and angst that comes along with his character and he and Seann William Scott nail some pretty great chemistry. The rest of the cast is sprinkled with some solid supporting turns as well, Elizabeth Banks is cute and makes us wishing for more, Jane Lynch remains mostly funny throughout with her crazy eyed bullshit sensing abilities, and Ken Jeong plays up his role to great effect as the King of the L.A.I.R.E. roll playing game.

In the end, Role Models is a solid comedy that could have been a tad less formulaic. The ending is great, and even though it might be a little to nice, what were you expecting? Paul Rudd and company are all constantly funny and the film will make you laugh from start to finish, and while not one of the top tier comedies of the year, you should definitely check it out if interested as I am sure you will find some enjoyment out of Wain’s latest feature. [Overall: 3.5/5]

P.S. – Go rent ‘Wet Hot American Summer’!


Do you know how happy I am that comedies have actually become funny again!!! There was a good stint of those “Disaster-Scary-Superhero-Lame B Actors Trying to Save Their Career and Make A Buck-Movies”! I was worried with Seann William Scott being involved that it remind me too much of the American Pie days. Much to my surprise, and glee, it turned out to be hilarious!

David Wain (writer on The State and Wet Hot American Summer) brings us another entertaining story bringing the youth of America and today’s working generation together. I agree with the guys about renting Wet Hot American Summer! It is one of my favorite comedies! Just don’t play the DVD with the fart tracks unless you actually like those “Disaster-Scary-Waste of My Time-Movies”.

Danny and Wheeler (Paul Rudd and Seann William Scott) work for an energy drink company. They go school to school promoting their product and telling children to stay off of drugs. During a particularly bad day for the ultra-negative Danny, his girlfriend breaks up with him and his whole day goes haywire. To avoid jail time, they must mentor a child.

Wheeler is placed with Ronnie (Bobb’e J. Thompson), a kid that has chased every other mentor away with his inappropriate behavior. Danny is assigned to Auggie (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). Auggie lives in the fantasy world of Laire, a role playing game where they meet to battle with foam swords. The challenge is to get through the necessary hour to avoid jail time without completely screwing this up.

The cast is hilarious. Mintz-Plasse, who will never outlive his role of McLovin in Superbad is absolutely hilarious. Paul Rudd always does an amazing job with his sarcastic, negative humor. It really fits in this role since his character doesn’t have a single positive thing to say about anything! Scott does have the womanizing characteristics and stupidity that he brought to the table in the American Pie Films, but it’s done in a way that works. Not only does he get chicks, but it seems that he has gotten more attractive. I like pretty things to look at!

Wait for the ending! I don’t think I’ve seen a comedic ending this good in a long time! I just hope you wanted the best…. because you got the best!
