
Justin Chadwick is directing ‘Ironbow’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Justin Chadwick is directing ‘Ironbow’

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It’s Official, Justin Chadwick has signed on to direct “Ironbow: The Legend of William Tell” for Spyglass Pictures. The William Tell legend centers on a crossbow marksman who, when he would not bow to Austrian rule, was forced to shoot an apple off his son’s head in exchange for freedom. The local overlord who commanded the act noticed that Tell had a second arrow in his quiver, which Tell told him was meant for the overlord if the son was killed. Tell was promptly arrested but eventually escaped and killed the overlord, sparking a rebellion that led to the formation of the Swiss Confederation.

Considering that Justin Chadwick directed ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’, I’m sure this movie will have all the detail it needs to be a great film. I look forward to hearing more about this film as it progresses.
