
‘Giallo’ Gets a Trailer – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Giallo’ Gets a Trailer

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In case you haven’t heard, Dario Argento’s next film is simply called ‘Giallo’, and it stars Adrien Brody as an investigator searching for a kidnapped woman during fashion week in Milan.

The new trailer has become available on the film’s official website through Hannibal Pictures.   It’s pretty cheesy, but I still have hope that Argento can bounce back from his recent misgivings and bring us an effective mystery.

Check it out by following this link!

For those of you who don’t know, the word “giallo” (literally “yellow” in Italian) refers to a genre of murder mysteries that were popular in Italy through the 1960s and ’70s.   They generally had long, drawn-out murder scenes and are believed to have been the catalyst for the modern day, slasher film.   Argento and Mario Bava made some of the most famous of these films including ‘Blood and Black Lace’, ‘Twitch of the Death Nerve’, and ‘Deep Red’.

Source: Official Site