
Do You Have Your ‘Twilight’ Tickets Yet? – We Are Movie Geeks


Do You Have Your ‘Twilight’ Tickets Yet?

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A couple of weeks ago, Nick put up this post asking you guys how much you thought ‘Twilight’ was gonna make. Â  Now, we may have some hard figures to help figure that out.

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Â  ‘Twilight’ tickets for the midnight shows are hard to come by. Â  According to The Hollywood Reporter, Fandango and MovieTickets said Monday that the film has sold out hundreds of performances in about 3400 locations. Â  Fandango has sold out almost 700 shows including around 500 midnight screenings. Â  MovieTickets has counted more than 400 sellouts. Â  The ticket vendors said Monday that ‘Twilight’ accounted for more than 85% of presales in the past couple of days.

“In the age of big, studio tentpole pictures, it’s a surprise to find such encouragingly strong advance ticket sales for an independent film with no established boxoffice stars,” Fandango COO Rick Butler said. “That’s a tribute to power of the blockbuster novel, solid word-of-mouth on the movie’s early screenings and savvy Internet marketing.”

Weekend projections on the film are anywhere from $40 mil to over $60 mil.

So, do you have your ticket yet? Â  Let us know below!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter