
Best of the Bad… ‘The Boyfriend School’ AKA ‘Don’t Tell Her It’s Me’ – We Are Movie Geeks

Best of the Bad

Best of the Bad… ‘The Boyfriend School’ AKA ‘Don’t Tell Her It’s Me’

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Steve Guttenberg… How I miss your face on the big screen. He was quite a leading man back in the day! The Boyfriend School aka Don’t Tell Her It’s Me from 1990 is certainly no exception!

Side note… I’m not sure why they decided to change the name, but Don’t Tell Her It’s Me is a much better title. It’s even the chorus of the opening song!

Steve Guttenberg plays Gus, a cartoonist that has gained weight and lost his hair from being ill. His sister, romance novelist Lizzie Potts (Shelley Long) takes it upon herself to get Gus back into the dating world by setting him up on a blind date with Emily (Jami Gertz). Although Emily thinks that Gus is nice, she is just not that physically attracted to him. See… Emily is one of those girls that swears up and down that looks don’t matter, that it’s the person inside that counts. She was proved wrong in this scene, she has no interest or desire in Gus despite the fact that he is an amazing and funny guy. Sadly, Gus falls head over heals for the brunette beauty.

Lizzie decides to transform her lover, using her romance writing knowledge of what women want to transform Gus into the perfect man. He works out, grows his hair back, and takes on the persona of Lobo Marunga, a biker from Australia.

By being romantic, yet mysterious, Lobo wins Emily’s heart. She breaks up with her horrible boyfriend Trout, (Kyle MacLauchlan) just to be with the hunky foreign biker. Being the nice guy that he is, he cannot keep up the lie and must tell her the truth! Will she still love him???

First off, Steve Guttenberg is playing a super hunky foreign guy that is irresistible to women! Does anyone else see the humor in this? Second, Shelley Long as an annoying, meddling sister? Hmm… I could never see her as annoying! LOL Third… STEVE GUTTENBERG IS PLAYING A SUPER HUNKY FOREIGN GUY THAT IS IRRESISTABLE TO WOMEN!!! Game, set, match… well played!

Another funny part about this movie is the character of Lizzie’s daughter Annabelle. Annabelle likes to eat engine oil, bugs, and inhale gas. The best part is Lizzie’s description to Annabelle about how her insides will rot and how she will die a slow, painful death if she continues to eat those things! It’s priceless!

There is also the first scene with Gus as Lobo wearing an all leather and denim outfit! I don’t know about you, but that screams romance! He’s the bad boy with an inner soul, what’s not to love!

Seriously, watch this movie! I promise an awesome night of making fun of Mr. Guttenberg and his attempts at being sexy and sensual!

Nerdy, snarky horror lover with a campy undertone. Goonies never say die.