
Are you ready for another ‘Planet of the Apes’? – We Are Movie Geeks


Are you ready for another ‘Planet of the Apes’?

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Alright so Planet of the Apes was not so much of a hit when it was released but that is not stopping this franchise from making a comeback. So get ready cause this new installment is not a sequel to the previous Burton film but is rather a REMAKE of the Conquest of the Apes. This movie will focus on Caesar , the ape who said no, the first ape with speech who started the events that led to a world where monkeys were on top and humans were dumb beasts. Now I’m sure that this idea will be implemented great because they have announced that the script was written by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver and they have been calling this new script Genesis: Apes. So I have never been a huge fan of Planet of the Apes and to really be honest  I have never  seen a single movie but hearing about this gets me a little interested.
