Kevin Smith Week: ‘Sold Out: A Threevening With Kevin Smith’
This is the third entry into the Evening with Kevin Smith entry, and while it is filled with some funny stories, I can’t help but say it feels a bit light compared to the rest of releases in this series.
Now, don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of laughs to be had here, and some of them are pretty damn good, but there isn’t a variety and wealth of stories that have been in previous releases. To be quite honest, there are about 4 major stories that take up most of the time on the discs with only a couple other stories sprinkled throughout. Instead, they threw a lot of tidbits in the special features sections broken up by story and all of them are worthy of being included as the main piece.
As to give you a little taste of the stories, his Dogs get about a 1/4 of the proceedings, and there are plenty of fun antidotes, but those looking for celebrity dirt will be disappointed. Though, you will get some graphic dog vaginal humor (and dog poop humor on the extra features). The next big piece is Mewes’s experiences on the Clerks II set and is very funny throughout as are most Mewes stories, with another nice little companion piece in special features. Next is Kevin’s Die Hard story, which is probably my favorite bit from the main feature, with some great Bruce Willis tidbits, (again see more in special features). And he wraps it up with his Anal Fissure/Jury Duty ordeals.
All in all, with the special features, it is a great show and very funny, and with a little research, it seems nothing was really cut that much from the actual show, so what do I know. Compared to previous releases there are definitely less stories this time around, but the quality is still extremely high and any Kevin Smith fan will want to most definitely add this to their View Askew collections, and I assume you already own it anyways. Regardless, if you have never seen any of his shows in person or on DVD see just one, and you will be hooked for more in a heartbeat, just don’t skip over the special features!
Buy It Here!