
WAMG Contest: ‘Righteous Kill’ – We Are Movie Geeks


WAMG Contest: ‘Righteous Kill’

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We are giving away passes to see ‘Righteous Kill’ next week September 11th at 7pm. If you would like to snag yourself one of these passes you will need to answer all of the following questions. Email all the correct answers to

1. What star of Righteous Kill worked with Roger Corman early in his career?
2.  DeNiro has worked with Pacino, how many times and on what?
3. DeNiro has worked with another Co-Star of Righteous Kill in 1996, who was it and what was the film?
4. Pacino has how many kids in the film Author! Author!
5. What is the famous line/chant from Dog Day Afternoon?
6. How many combined Oscar nominations do Pacino and DeNiro have?
7. What was DeNiro’s first film with Director Martin Scorsese?
8. What actor pokes fun at Pacino in a recent film?
9. Pacino plays Satan in what film?
10. How many films has 50 cent acted in?
11. In Scarface, how many times does Pacino’s character Tony Montana say the word “fuck”?
12. Brian Dennehy and Al Pacino have something in common, what is it?

You can pick up the passes this Saturday at the Meet & Geek event.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.