Comic Books
Pondering a new Superman…
I love Superman, and I will always love Superman, but you know what I am tired of?
Shady property schemes by Lex Luthor.
Hey, Warner Bros., can we please drop that particular story line for the next outing? Please? Oh, yeah, and if you’re going “dark” for the reboot, then don’t darken up the man in blue and red tights. That’s not him, it’s not in his M.O. and he doesn’t work in Gotham. See ‘Superman III’ and behold the many ways a “dark” Superman can kill your franchise and the good will of your target audience.
Here, listen up, I’ll tell you the secret… gives Supes an opponent that can go hand-to-hand, and make that guy just as “dark” as you’re willing to go with the franchise.
For your consideration:
Is it just me, or does Brainiac feel like a sure thing?
Who do you think should go toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel?