
Midnight screening in LA: ‘THE KEEP’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Midnight screening in LA: ‘THE KEEP’

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Movie geeks in LA can check out this early Michael Mann film on Saturday, September 20th at midnight. It’s playing as a part of New Beverly Midnights at the New Beverly Cinema. Tickets cost $7.00.

‘The Keep’ was released in 1983, and it has yet to have a proper DVD release, so join me this weekend and let’s watch it the old fashioned way: On the big screen!

The movie takes place during WWII, and is about a detachment of the German army that accidentally let’s loose a pretty pissed off entity (see above picture). I don’t know a whole lot more, because I’ve never seen the movie.

It does have a score by Tangerine Dream, though, which is totally sweet in a movie geek sorta way.

I think this film needs to be “re-discovered,” so meet me this Saturday and let’s brave ‘The Keep’ together.  

Born in Illinois. Living in California. I contribute to this site, as well as Campus Circle.