
In case you missed it … ‘Closer’ – We Are Movie Geeks


In case you missed it … ‘Closer’

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How could you have missed a movie that star’s Natalie Portman, Julia Roberts, Jude Law, and Clive Owen? Well some people still have not heard of this movie so leave it to me to bring you all to the light.

First let me tell you that if you are depressed or have recently gone through a breakup… do not watch this movie! It is super depressing, and I don’t want to be to blame for you jumping off the building.  

The movie is based on a play that Clive Owen starred in as ‘Dan’, Jude Law’s character in the movie, way back in 1997. Dan (Jude Law) meets Alice (Portman) an American stripper on the streets of London. She gets hit by a car and Dan does his man duty and saves her, thus sparking their relationship. A year later Dan is doing a shoot for his upcoming book where he meets Anna (Julia Roberts) who is doing the promotional photographs. He is instantly drawn to her, and realizes that she has no interest in him. He logs into a chat room and pretends to be Anna and leads a “creepy” guy to meet her at the aquarium she frequents. The creepy guy happens to be Larry (Clive Owen) who meets Anna, embarrasses himself and eventually wins her over after explaining the situation to her.  

After a few months Dan and Alice attend  a photo exhibition of Anna’s, where all 4 of them meet. Dan persuades to have an affair with him which begins a love triangle that leaves all of them changed. It is Larry’s intention to hurt Dan, and Dan’s intention to get back at Larry.  

I wont go into all of the details of the movie, that’s your job, if you haven’t seen this movie definitely make it a point to go rent/buy it.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.