
Discuss: Fahrenheit 9/11 sequel… yes or no? – We Are Movie Geeks


Discuss: Fahrenheit 9/11 sequel… yes or no?

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Michael Moore has announced that he is making a sequel to the biggest, most successful documentary of all time..’Fahrenheit 9/11′ which grossed $119,194,771 at the box office.

Moore’s new doc could play at Cannes next year, if it isn’t released earlier in the spring. He’s already at work on the film.

“Clearly, we have a movie of global appeal here. Michael Moore is a very talented filmmaker, and this is a branded property,” Meyer said, adding that the Weinsteins helped build that brand.

Sequel will pick up where “Fahrenheit 9/11” left off. In the time since, Bush’s popularity has plummeted, while the Iraq war continues and the economy falters.

“It’s a vote of confidence on Michael’s part and a great partnership for all of us,” Rosett said. “There is a voracious appetite for this kind of commentary.”

Moore has made three of the five top-grossing documentaries of all time. “Fahrenheit 9/11” is the highest-grossing docu ever domestically, earning $119.1 million. It grossed another $100 million at the international box office.


Now we wont get into the debate about whether it was a “true documentary” or not, because that’s neither here nor there, the question at hand is do you think he should be making a sequel? Do we need to see more public President Bush Bashing?(Scott says YES!)

So lets open it up to all of you guys, what do you think about a sequel to this highly controversial, highly profitable flick…

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.