
Another ‘Evil Dead’ Movie? In 3D? A Musical? – We Are Movie Geeks


Another ‘Evil Dead’ Movie? In 3D? A Musical?

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Negotiations are underway between producer Don Carmody and Sam Raimi to bring ‘Evil Dead: The Musical’ to the big screen.   The film will be shot in 3D to incorporate the “splatter zone” that was found in the original stage production.

The musical version of Raimi’s original film was initially devised by George Reinblatt, Christopher Bond, Frank Cipolla, and Melissa Morris.   It was originally shown in Toronto but quickly moved to off-Broadway.   It provided such songs as “What the F*** Was That?”, “Look Who’s Evil Now”, and “Ode to an Accidental Stabbing”.

The film version will be co-directed by Bond, the original musical’s director, and Hinton Battle, the choreographer.   Carmody says he hopes to begin shooting next spring in Toronto with most of the original cast.