
‘Spider-Man’ Spin-Off Will Focus on ‘Venom’ – We Are Movie Geeks


‘Spider-Man’ Spin-Off Will Focus on ‘Venom’

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Sony is moving forward with “Venom,” a potential “Spider-Man” spin-off based on the comic book villain. The studio is developing the project, and is hoping the character could serve as an antidote to the aging “Spider-Man” franchise in the way that Fox has used Wolverine to add longevity to its “X-Men” franchise.

But getting any spin-off off the ground, let alone one centered on a villain, can be tricky. The studio had commissioned a draft of the script from Jacob Estes, a writer of the specialty film “Mean Creek,” released several years ago by Paramount Classics. But the studio is considering going in a different direction from Estes’ script and is seeking writers for a new draft. Casting also is no simple matter. Topher Grace played the character in the film, but agents have been eyeing the role for their clients, as Sony is not yet convinced the actor can carry a tent-pole picture. In “Spider-Man 3,” Venom is essentially a parasite that attaches itself to a host via a sticky substance that then gives the host special powers. The fact that it is a substance rather than a character could give Sony leeway to cast a new actor. “Venom” came about as part of the licensing deal between Marvel and Sony for the Spider-Man movies, which contained provisions allowing for the use of spin-offs based on other Spider-Man characters. Sony is developing a fourth “Spider-Man” film for 2011, but that picture would come out nine years after the original movie debuted, adding to the studio’s desire to see new Marvel characters.

What! Are you serious? I think they are actually bringing Topher Grace back to do this film. I know they introduced him in Spiderman 3 but Grace cannot be a leading man! I enjoyed Topher on That 70’s Show but he really needs to stay away from this project, I would think that the fans would be a little angry!

What do you guys think?