
Brian Austin Green as The Riddler … ? – We Are Movie Geeks


Brian Austin Green as The Riddler … ?

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Lots of rumors are circulating out there in the movie geek cyberspace, and the vast majority of them are currently residing somewhere within the ‘Dark Knight’ universe. With the late Heath Ledger gone, it almost goes without saying that the Joker is history. Two-Face, unfortunately, was gone nearly as fast as he was created and apparently we’ve already got word that confirms the character is dead and will not be revived. There’s even talk of Catwoman clawing her way into the next Batman film, with names ranging from Angelina Jolie (eh?) to Maggie Gyllenhaal (huh?) dawning the tight black leather. Didn’t she die as Rachel Dawes?

Here’s something you may not have expected though… Brian Austin Green (Kickboxer 2) is vying for the role of the mentally marvelous DC villain The Riddler. Actually, he’s quite enthusiastic about landing this role, but he’s got some ‘splaining to do if wants to convince the studio he’s right for the role. Without much significant film work under his belt, he has made an impression with his role as Derek Reese in the popular TV series ‘Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles’. A fairly big leap from ‘Beverly Hills 90210’.

In response to an MTV interview wondering what he would do with The Riddler character if cast: [“That’s impossible to answer now,† Green said. “That would take years of preparation. It’s tough. Heath set the bar at a new level, which I think is fantastic for comic book lovers and movie lovers. He changed the face of what people expect out of those films. If you watch the old ones, I mean, they were great for what they were, having Danny Elfman’s music, but this is a new level.†]

While rummaging the Internet for images of Green, I came across this tasty little pic of Green walking with his former hottie girlfriend Megan Fox. Kudos to Green for the totally kick-ass choice of apparel, but he loses points for losing perhaps the hottest catch out there right now. However, what caught my attention was the hat and the look on his face that makes me wonder if Green could actually pull off The Riddler. He’s a bit “too” ripped for The Riddler, but that’s potentially fixable. Here’s a thought… they could also cast Megan Fox as Harley Quinn along with Brian Austin Green as The Riddler and maybe the two will rekindle and reunite? Ah, movie geek match-making…

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end