
Avatar Interview with James ‘The Man’ Cameron – We Are Movie Geeks


Avatar Interview with James ‘The Man’ Cameron

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Yeah, he hasn’t made a non-doco since Titanic.   Yes he has crafted arguably 2-3 of the top action films of all time.   And, yes Avatar will probably change the way we look at film making.   So head over to the Hollywood Reporter to read up on what Cameron has to say about his new project, which is so new and up to date, they upgraded the camera they shot with something like 6 times.   WETA is doing the effects work and this will be a full 3-D picture coming out next Christmas.   Along with The Watchmen this is front runner for biggest Geek movie of 09.   Check out the interview here.

I am a mid 20's film lover that spends his money on film and DVD/Blu-Ray's. I enjoy writing creatively when I can and reviewing films has become a new passion for me in the last year or so. I am also a big Cardinals fan and can be found playing Softball multiple nights a week when in season. I hope you like my opinion, and that's great if you don't, we need less sheep in this world.