
Actual Real Batman News! – We Are Movie Geeks


Actual Real Batman News!

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So all of these stupid casting rumors and thoughts and wishful thinkings just needs to stop around the Internets. It’s a bunch of fanboy concoctions that have no basis or validity or source to anything. Like I could say, ‘Photo Realistic Digital Version of Heath Ledger to Reprise Role of Joker in Batman 3 voiced by Mark Hamill!’ and some idiot is going to pick it up as fact, run with it, and say, “it’s on the Internet it must be true.’ Well it’s not, and to be frank, there is no Batman news, there isn’t even a director or star attached right now. In fact there is a chance that the next Batman might be without both Nolan and Bale for all we know. But we don’t know, we don’t know anything we hope they come back, and with the amount of money The Dark Knight is making the execs should easily be able to write checks to lure everyone back.

But let us get to some real news in that Ign is reporting that there is an offer out to Nolan for the next film but he is yet to decide what to do next. As for the direction of the film, ‘We have no idea where Chris is going with this… We haven’t had any conversations with him about it.’ In fact, he will probably direct something else in between before he even steps back into the world of Batman if he does it.

To be quite honest, my opinion on the matter is there is no reason to make another one outside the money. You won’t top The Dark Knight story, and the number of “realistic” villains in Batman has kind of been exhausted already. And why not go out on a high note. But if they do another, I hope it is Nolan and Bale who continue to give us the Bat-Man.

So there you have it, the news on Batman is that there is no news. No let’s see if we can wait and report something once there is actually something worth reporting.

I am a mid 20's film lover that spends his money on film and DVD/Blu-Ray's. I enjoy writing creatively when I can and reviewing films has become a new passion for me in the last year or so. I am also a big Cardinals fan and can be found playing Softball multiple nights a week when in season. I hope you like my opinion, and that's great if you don't, we need less sheep in this world.