A Sequel for ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’ … ?
During an interview with, Henry Selick was asked about the possibility of a sequel to ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’ …
[“There has been discussions over the years about a possible sequel. When those discussions came up about 7 years ago it was unsettling that it was suggested this time it would have to be done in CG. I’m glad that did not happen. But as far as coming up ideas for a sequel, you have to admit there are a lot of other great holidays for Jack Skellington to take over”.]
Personally, I say let the legend be. This is a classic and needs no sequel. Sure, it has plenty of sequel possibilities, but none of them would catch fire quite like this one. Besides, the fantastic traditional animation techniques used were a major part of why the film was so magically awesome. To go full CGI with a sequel would truly be a shame. I certainly hope they do not tarnish this incredible film with any sequels, and certainly not any remakes.