Variety… give the credit back!
As some of you may have heard about Variety magazine taking stories from online sources, and never giving the credit for it… no links, and no mention of the originating story. Well many other movie blogs/sites are taking the power back and refusing to link to stories or mention anything from their site/magazine. Read what John at The Movie Blog had to say about it..
“Without going into all the details, my friend Frosty over at Collider got a scoop about the possibility of their being another 300 movie. And guess what†¦ Variety later printed that same story†¦ but refused to mention who it first came from, let alone provide any sort of link. They just took all the credit for the story yet again.
I now find myself with little choice but to join with some of the other sites and say that until Variety starts to credit online sources for stories that break there, then The Movie Blog will not be crediting nor linking to Variety for stories that originate with them. Two wrongs do not make a right, but it seems Variety refuses to play by the same rules we all govern ourselves by†¦ and so we will refuse to extend the benefits of those rule to them in return.”
I agree, and although I have never had any of our contest stolen for the simple fact that we are so new… We Are Movie Geeks are joining in as well. We will not link to or mention any stories that have originated from Variety Magazine or Variety online… I encourage all of you to not visit their site or buy any of their magazines either..make them recognize that we (online movie sites) are a legit news source and deserve credit for breaking a story or leaking info.
Here are some buttons I made for everyone to show their support if you want to use them, and everyone should link to The Movie Blog story…