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‘Prince of Persia’ Details Revealed …
More news regarding Prince of Persia….
“Prince of Persia” creator Jordan Mechner appeared at San Diego Comic-Con where he discussed the upcoming “Prince of Persia” Disney movie, which is currently in development. [via IGN]
He said that the film will be based on the “Sands of Time” game, revealing that the script does not literally follow the storyline of the game. Mechner added that he does not expect any potential film sequels to be based on the subsequent games “Warrior Within” and “The Two Thrones” since they took the game’s storyline in a different direction. Nothing from either of those games, including characters, will be in the current movie.
Mechner said that adapting an interactive experience into a non-interactive one means re-conceiving the story. The challenge of the script was in writing an entirely new story than the game even if it has the same meaning, plot elements, and characters as the game. The movie has to be different because it is engineered to be played while the film is a spectator experience. Mechner wants the viewer to be taken on an emotional journey and to care about the characters so that way it’s not all just about fighting monsters and action set-pieces.
Unlike his game counterpart, the title character in the movie to be played by Jake Gyllenhaal will have a name. Mechner said that he chose the name “Dastan” for the prince because he believes its an old Persian name that means “trickster.”
Mechner wants the story to offer viewers a journey that takes them to more places than just a castle. Due to secrecy, he would not reveal what powers the prince might have in the movie or discuss key plot elements. He expects the film to be rated PG or PG-13 and for its level of violence to be along the lines of other summer blockbusters such as “Pirates of the Caribbean.”
Why the heck do they have Gyllenhall playing a Persian Prince?