
Movie Geek Memorabilia: Stan Lee Autograph … – We Are Movie Geeks

Movie Geek Memorabilia

Movie Geek Memorabilia: Stan Lee Autograph …

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One of the greatest things about running a movie blog is coming home and finding a package and not knowing whats in it. That was the case last week when I got back in town. There was a plain manila envelope waiting on my and inside was a picture that I Photoshopped of myself and Stan Lee (my head on Spider-man’s body) … and it was signed! He also signed a picture of himself with the cast of ‘Who wants to be a Superhero’. This is a great addition to my movie geek collection, and I urge you all to be very, very jealous!

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.