
Kids in rated ‘R’ movies … – We Are Movie Geeks

Geeks on Movies

Kids in rated ‘R’ movies …

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Its a common occurrence that I am seeing more and more of, and that is children in rated ‘R’ movies. What parent would think that this is acceptable? A 2-5 year old in a movie that you need to be 17 or older to get into?

My first example was a few months ago we were at a special screening of ‘The Strangers’ which is rated ‘R’, and there were multiple times someone had to get up and take their small child to the bathroom. Several kids started crying at the really scary scenes, and being a parent I just cant fathom taking my young child to see something like this. Not only is it not good for your child, but its also disrespectful to all the other moviegoers. No one wants to be disrupted during the movie because you couldn’t find a babysitter and you decided to just bring little johnny along with you. So let this be a notice to all of you would be parents that decide to bring your kids to the movie theater with you to a non children’s movie… DONT DO IT!

What do you guys think? Chime in on the comments below…

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.