
Eddie Murphy talks ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Eddie Murphy talks ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’

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Eddie Murphy talked to MTV about his thoughts on the upcoming ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’ that Brett Ratner is going to be butchering…

“All I know is that it’s gonna be something that’s special. I’m not doing just, hey give me some big check and I go off [does the Foley laugh] and shoot the gun and jump over cars,† Murphy told MTV News. “Like, that’s some bullsh-t. If I do it, it’s gonna be some sh-t that’s right!†

It’s a long time coming. “BHC4† has been rumored to be in various stages of development for the last 14 years, ever since “Beverly Hills Cop 3.† The time is finally right, Murphy said to put an exclamation point at the end of the franchise — so long as it can erase a little bit of what came before it.

“I’ve been in a bunch of different meetings with people, ‘Oh, we have to take Axel this way.† I ain’t seen no script yet [but] I’m not rolling out ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’ for it to be a continuation of ‘Beverly Hills Cop III,’ which was a crock of sh-t,† Murphy said. “I wanna do a good one!†

Thank You! I am glad that he is so filthy rich that he doesn’t need to do this movie for the money..because with Brett Ratner at the helm he is going to mutilate this to the point that the only way we will know its a BHC is because of the name.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.