
Discuss: Will ‘The Dark Knight’ live up to the hype? – We Are Movie Geeks


Discuss: Will ‘The Dark Knight’ live up to the hype?

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So what do you guys think? Will ‘The Dark Knight’ live up to all this hype that we have had to endure for the last 8 months? You have all read the early reviews, seen every tv spot, sorted through countless new images..whats it going to be? Will Charles leave the theater crying like a little girl, or will he hide under the seats to catch the next showing of it?

Personally I think that the movie will be better than ‘Batman Begins’ simply because I love the ‘Joker’, and I am excited to see what kind of twist Aaron Eckhart puts on ‘Two Face’ as we have pretty much only seen him in comedy roles. There has already been a negative review from the NY Times..

The Dark Knight is noisy, jumbled, and sadistic. Even its most wondrous vision—Batman’s plunges from skyscrapers, bat-wings snapping open as he glides through the night like a human kite—can’t keep the movie airborne. There’s an anvil attached to that cape.”

That’s only my opinion, everyone chime in below …

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.