
Why Dolph Lundgren is a better option for Captain America or Thor … – We Are Movie Geeks


Why Dolph Lundgren is a better option for Captain America or Thor …

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Forget age for a minute..If you have seen a Dolph movie lately, you know he doesn’t look 50!

Dolph Ludgren is 6’5, and he towers over most people in his movies, so that makes him a perfect fit for Captain America after he takes the serum. It would be very easy to make him seem smaller before he takes the serum just like they have done with many superhero’s in the past. He already has blond hair so he would be perfect for either Thor or The Captain.

here are the two front runners:

Brad Pitt is only 5’11 and his is married with a bunch of probably out of shape. Not to mention he is in his 40’s as well … so, he isn’t even that young.

Leo DiCaprio is 6’1 and i am not sure that he has ever been considered the perfect physical specimen … plus I cant see him playing a bad-ass superhero … ‘Gilbert Grape’ anyone?

Here is a picture of what Dolph looks like next to a normal human being (as opposed to the super soldier that he is):

… and a photo of Captain America after his transformation:

There you have it, boys and girls. Dolph Lundgren should be Captain America or Thor … OR BOTH (kidding).

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.