Site Stuff
We Are Movie Geeks..a bunch of posers?
I got an email from a guy that was responding to an ad I placed looking for a couple of new bloggers on the site. The response was overwhelming and we got about 100 replies. As you can imagine it was difficult to respond to every inquiry and his got lost in the shuffle.
I got an email from him yesterday in which he decided to tell me to “F(%$ you and your stupid movie geek blog. Betcha shut down in three months anyway.” – Professional huh?
So I responded to him apologizing for not getting back to him..and 5-6 emails later he called us “Posers” because we dont live in LA. Apparently he is under the impression that in order to be a true movie writer/blogger you must live in LA because that is the only place that movies are made..not in “Bumfuck” Missouri. I wasnt aware that Saint Louis was considered “Bumfuck”. Strange.
He went on to say “You’re not even reviewing any real films, just stupid pop shot like Rob Schneider, kiddie flicks, b-movie shlock, etc. etc…”..I responded with movies are are currently writing reviews for and his response “Hulk? Gimme a fucking break. Piece of shit first time around, twice a piece of shit second time.”
I think he might be right..I think we are Posers. Movies arent made in “Bumfuck” Missouri..oh wait, Matt Damon is currently shooting a movie here..and didnt they shoot ‘Meet Bill’ here as well? Almost certain the John Goodman, and Kevin Kline both call St Louis their home as well. So as you can see, St Louis isnt exactly “Bumfuck”.
I could expose this moron but I wont..