
Brett Ratner officially doing ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’… – We Are Movie Geeks

Brett Ratner

Brett Ratner officially doing ‘Beverly Hills Cop 4’…

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this also means we can expect to see 4 more after this one because lets face it, he doesn’t know when to stop(Rush Hour 3?). MTV Movie Blog is reporting that he is gearing the movie towards kids this time..great.

“Each of the previous three “Cop† movies were rated R, and Murphy’s machine gun mouth, which spewed expletive after expletive in those days, was as much a part of the character as anything else. Surely, his swearing wouldn’t be lost in the translation?

Maybe. When asked what is biggest challenge would be, Ratner seemed to indicate that his new film would be geared towards a very PG audience.

“10-year-old kids, 12-year-old kids don’t really know the old ‘Beverly Hills Cop.’ So it’s an opportunity to make it new for kids,† Ratner said. “The same way it felt for me watching ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ when I was a kid, that’s what I want to do for kids today.†”

I am going to go on record and officially say that Brett Ratner, if you screw up BHC4 I wont see any of your future movies, and we will boycott you ala Uwe Boll.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.