
Poster of the Week … ‘King Kong’ (1933) – We Are Movie Geeks

Poster of the Week

Poster of the Week … ‘King Kong’ (1933)

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You may have read in an earlier post about the classic horror film The Blob that I have a special admiration for vintage movie posters. These marketing representations had a level of craft and artistry that we rarely, if ever, see in today’s posters. This will be the first in a series of weekly posts, each post highlighting some of the great posters of the past. Enjoy …

Starting off the first week is a classic of classics, a very cool version of the King Kong poster that isn’t seen as often as some of the others. Great graphic design and the perspective used really makes this poster work the way it does.

King Kong (1933)
Dimensions: 41″ x 27″
Artist(s): S. Barret McCormick & Bob Sisk

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end