
Scott’s Favorites: Garden State Soundtrack – We Are Movie Geeks

Chick Flicks

Scott’s Favorites: Garden State Soundtrack

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This is my second post from this series, the first being about Captain Spaulding.

Zach Braff proved his Indie Rock prowess when he Wrote, Directed, Starred, Produced, ran the cameras’s, controlled the boom mic’s, slept with all the women in the movie, and of course put together the soundtrack for his love child ‘Garden State’. He set out to melt every indie girl’s heart with the movie, and the soundtrack..which is exactly what he did. You find me a girl that listens to the shins, coldplay, frou frou, and Zero 7 that doesnt own this album, and tear up at the thought of the movie.

I know it sounds like I was just making fun of the movie, but I am one of those indie girls that owns the disk, and cries over the movie everytime I see it. Actually the film was great, and the soundtrack translated even better. Natalie Portman brought home this role and forever carved her initials on my heart.

The soundtrack doesnt have a bad song on it, which I think is what makes it so amazing. It takes incredible songs from indie superhero’s The Shins(2 songs), Zero 7, Frou Frou, and Iron & Wine. It also takes from Simon and Garfunkel and Nick Drake which have more street cred than 50 Cent. The album is really chill, so chill that you can put it on when you are about to make love to your wife, or if you have that hipster chic over to your house put this on to ensure that the deed will happen.

I love the album, and if you havent already go check it out. Thank you Zack Braff, you changed my life, much like The Shins were supposed to do in the movie.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.