
First reviews of ‘War, Inc.’ – We Are Movie Geeks


First reviews of ‘War, Inc.’

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Movies online has one of the first reviews of ‘War, Inc.’ up..

While War Inc. is far from a perfect film, suffering from an occasionally convoluted plot that doesn’t entirely make sense and some hackneyed conveniences that come into play in the third act, it is a unique and peculiar experience that needs to be seen to be believed. Acting as a solid satire with decent action and some inspired comic moments, War Inc. struggles mainly with dramatic ire when trying to give the illusion of greater significance.”

While it isnt a RAVED review, it does sound pretty damn good. Go check out the rest of the review..

The only thing about this movie that I am really worried about is Hillary Duff. To me she just represents the bubble gum teen pop invasion that launched Miley Cyrus and the likes into mainstream media. She will have to do some major convincing, followed by a few other great flicks.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.